Received from readers about vaccines

Why I Do Not Get Flu Vaccines


Here are questions I’ve received from readers about vaccines:

“I assume you are totally against the flu vaccine?? I hate this time of year because my gut says no you do not want to start injecting your child with a flu vaccine from now until eternity but at the same time doctors and others make you feel guilty that you aren’t “protecting” your child. What are your thoughts? Also, since your husband is a doctor does he think the risk of complications or death from the flu are really that great or is it typically only when there is an underlying health condition?”
“I see that you have done some about the swine flu. What about the flu and all the other vaccines “they” recommend. My girls had their yearly check-ups yesterday and I usually have them get the flu mist but not yet this year as I’m just not sure. I don’t know much about it actually. They highly recommended my oldest get it because she is diabetic.
I felt like a bad mom because I am following an alternative shot schedule for my youngest as outlined in “The Vaccine Book” by Dr Sears. She hasn’t had Hep B or MMR yet (because they don’t make MMR separate anymore). I feel kind of lost between reports that vaccines are safe and different reports that are not. I’m sure I’m not the only one so I thought this might be a good subject for you to weigh in on. Are your kids vaccinated at all? Thanks!”

Why I Don’t Get Flu Vaccines

There are many strains of influenza. Every year, the strains change. The pharmaceutical companies try to keep up by testing the strains that are going around. But by the time a vaccine is ready to go on the market, the strain has already changed (usually) and the vaccine quickly becomes outdated. There can also be harmful ingredients or contaminants in vaccines.
You’ve got to read this recent article that reports the flu vaccine is not as effective as everyone thinks. The article is published by
Are we getting duped by big pharma or our own government on this issue? Why should we get ANY flu vaccines if they are not very effective?
Most normal people on the healthy side have little risk from flu or from many other childhood illnesses. People that are on the SAD (Standard American Diet) and have more serious health issues or are immune suppressed, elderly or very young, are at a higher risk from influenza and other illnesses. My husband says that complications mostly happen in people with underlying health conditions.
My mom attended a class last week on cultured foods taught by a lady named Tracey. Tracey has a little boy, who received a vaccine at age 2. Immediately afterward, he stopped talking and looking anyone in the eye. I would feel devastated if this happened to one of my children. I believe that usually the risk of negative side effects goes down with age and quality of health, but I always feel there is a risk. Dr. Christopher taught that vaccinations bypass the body’s natural defenses in an unnatural way and can cause disorders in brain and immune function.
Doctors often downplay the risks and chalk up problems to other causes, and I believe problems are under-reported. I don’t know tons of people personally that have been injured or had children directly injured-only a few, so perhaps the risk is lower than it seems. But I have heard many heartbreaking stories of children being injured or becoming dysfunctional from vaccines or just coincidentally after they received a vaccine.
I also know that there are complications from some illnesses that might be prevented in some cases by vaccines, but I need to do more research on this. Vaccinations seem to have helped reduce life-threatening diseases in other countries such as Africa, but improvements in sanitation and water cleanliness may have also been contributor to reducing such diseases.
We vaccinated our first child, but stopped halfway through the schedule on the second when I started learning about natural health. I just didn’t feel comfortable with it any longer. My older children have received a couple shots in order to go to South America, but I try to avoid them when possible. My 4 younger children have not received any vaccines. One of the ways I can easily do this is by going to a naturopathic doctor for our health concerns instead of a conventional pediatrician. I’ve also learned there are homeopathic vaccine options.
As I’ve learned so many other ways to treat flu and other illnesses in my home, my confidence has grown. I’m no longer afraid of treating more serious problems myself, and to me, flu is definitely less problematic than other things. I would rather deal with the risks from flu than from vaccines. Tons of people have contracted the flu from the vaccine or have still gotten flu after getting vaccinated.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think my children have a lower risk because we eat a healthy diet. For someone who has a junkie diet and is not willing to use natural health tools or take responsibility for their health, maybe that person should get the vaccine. I’m not telling anyone else what to do, I’m only sharing my personal philosophy on the matter.
This is the first of a several part series on the flu vaccine. Read my past related articles:

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